Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Nudity the Cause for Halo 2 Vista Delay

Microsoft reps have told Next-Gen the real reason for the Halo 2 Vista delay: partial nudity--specifically someone's backside in the game's map editor, the Entertainment Software Rating Board added today.
In an e-mail statement sent to Next-Gen, Microsoft said, “It has come to our attention that an unfortunate, obscure content error which includes partial nudity was included in our initial production of “Halo 2” for Windows Vista. As such, we have updated the initial game packaging at retailers with a label, so customers are aware before purchasing the game. Additionally, we’ve developed an online update which can be downloaded from www.halo2.com to remove the content.
“At Microsoft we take the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) guidelines very seriously and hold ourselves to high standards, with our customers always in mind.”
Sure enough, at halo2.com under the “support” section, there is an update dated 5/22, although it doesn’t explain the contents of the update.
Friday morning, however, the ESRB e-mailed Next-Gen a statement that said a "photograph of an individual showing his bare backside" is accessible within Halo 2 Vista's exclusive map editor tool. Apparently, it pops up when an ".ass" error occurs (see pic below, via the Halo 2 Vista forums).
Halo 2 is an M-rated game (17 and older). Microsoft informed the ESRB about the content just prior to the game's shipment to retail earlier this week. In effect, Microsoft has applied a "Partial Nudity" sticker as an additional content descriptor on the initial shipment of Halo 2 for Vista in the US and Canada.
"We have been advised by Microsoft that future runs of the game will be produced without the content in question, thus negating the need for the descriptor to be displayed on those versions," read the ESRB statement. "...ESRB’s job is to ensure that games are appropriately labeled, and that is precisely what we did in this case. We greatly appreciate Microsoft’s cooperation in this matter.”
Microsoft confirmed to Next-Gen yesterday that it had delayed Halo 2 for Vista from this week to next week.
Other companies in the past have come under fire by regulators for allegedly "hidden" mature content within videogames, namely Take-Two and Rockstar for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and the corresponding "Hot Coffee" debacle.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Shilpa shetty exposed in Big Brother

Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty has clinched a public vote to win Celebrity Big Brother after her treatment on the British television show sparked an international row amid fears of racist bullying.
Shetty, whose victory will be seen as a triumph for racial equality, beat 13 other contestants, including those who were accused of tormenting her.

When starting a new relationship, many women (and men as well) tend to
overlook some behaviors in their new partner that do not bode well for the
future. Then, down the road, comes the exclamation ‘If I had only known...’.
As a Psychotherapist who has worked with mostly women and a few men
in the field of Domestic Violence, during counseling sessions we can always
trace back unpleasant and also dangerous character traits to the very start
of the relationship.
Here are some ‘Red Flags’ to watch out for in a new partner.
1)He makes decisions about where to go with little or no input from
2)He belittles your opinion when the two of you are alone and may
call you names.
3)He makes disparaging remarks about you in front of others and
may talk about you as if you were not there.
4)He may be rough during love-making and make you engage in
acts you do not like.
5)He does not want to spend time with your friends or family and
insists you socialize with his people.
6)He will not acknowledge your areas of expertise and may put
down what you do in the workplace - ignore any of your
7)He may openly flirt with other women and then accuse you of
being jealous when you object.
8)He gets angry and loses his temper over trivialities. Stays angry
for a long time and attempts to blame all
arguments on you.
9)May hit walls when angry.
10)One of the main factors is that he comes on very strong in the
beginning of your relationship - sweeps you off your feet - and
wants an exclusive relationship too quickly. Many women feel
flattered at the intensity of the man’s seeming need for an immediate
connection and consequently overlook the inappropriateness
of it.
*This should not be confused with ‘love at first sight’ where one
or both parties feel an instant connection - without any of the
aforementioned behaviors.*
There are many other factors that could be listed - but if the man in your
life begins displaying the above qualities - realize it will not get better, only
worse. He will likely be unwilling to discuss his emotions openly and feel
that women are the inferior sex.
If this describes your man, run - do not walk - out of his life. The next step
will likely be physical abuse.
Getting More From Dating, Romantic Relationships, and Marriage
Romantic relationships happen because of the hopes and dreams
a couple has for a happy life together. The relationship will continue
to be pleasant and rewarding as long as the hopes and dreams are kept
alive by staying concerned with what is good about the relationship.
This article suggests ways for staying aware of what makes your romantic relationship worthwhile.
Don't Expect Too Much --
Don't expect a perfect relationship. That happens only in
fairy tales. If you expect everything to be wonderful, it makes your
relationship less valuable by comparison. Problems will occur. You will
get hurt. Being too concerned with the problems will stop you from
paying attention to what is good in the relationship.
Romance and love will more likely happen if you allow
them to happen instead of making them a goal. If love is the goal, you
will compare how the relationship is now to what you think it should
be. You will be continually disappointed. Making the relationship
better should be the goal. Pay attention to treating each other fairly
and helping each other. If love happens, it will be based on believing
that both of you can continue to build a good relationship.
Your attitude should signal the other person that you
will try to patiently work through each other's shortcomings. It won't
be easy. Being tolerant and non-condemning is a challenge. But
consciously making an effort to be tolerant goes a long way.
Build Upon What Is Good --
Find activities that you both like
do them together. These can be activities such as gardening, cooking,
hobbies, conversation, recreation, an interest in art, charity
volunteering, and family activities. Having interests that are shared,
keeps a couple involved in each other's lives.
Share ideas to find ways to more enjoy living. Tell your
sweetheart about strategies you use for such things as achieving goals
and enjoying yourself. Tell each other about what you think is
interesting, what is worthwhile, and what is encouraging. If you share
positive ideas, you will think of each other as pleasant and enjoyable.
Encourage your partner to act and make decisions. Both of
you will be able to accomplish more with the other's support and
encouragement. When there is a disagreement, be patient. If you need to
criticize, offer a positive alternative rather than a condemnation.
Your encouragement likely will produce more good results than will your
disappointments. Reward yourself for the good in what you are doing and
take some time to do what you enjoy.
What irritates you most?
The worst irritant for me is stupid people. Esp the ones that think they know everything. Perfect example, a woman I know and I were talking about where we were from. I am from Indiana right outside Chicago off of Lake Michigan. I was telling her I am glad that I am away from the snow now. She responds with it doesn't snow in Indiana. I asked her what she meant and she says it doesn't snow in Indiana you're making that up. Then I asked where she thought Indiana was and she said near New Mexico. To get her to believe me I had to actually get out a map and show her were Indiana was. And she still tried to argue it with me saying that I made the map look like that. Finally I asked her where Lake Michigan was. She said up north. I said ok then how did I live off lake Michigan if Indiana is near New Mexcio? Then I said you rode the short bus to school didn't you. She then said no I rode a school bus.
I really can't stand stupid people. They get on my last nerve. You want to ask them if they have been dropped on their head as a baby.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Kiss defined by different professors
*Prof. of Algebra*
Kiss is infinity because it is two divided by nothing.
*Prof. of Geometry*
Kiss is the shortest distance between two lips.
*Prof. of Physics*
Kiss is the contraction of mouth due to the expansion of the heart.
*Prof. of Chemistry*
Kiss is the reaction of the interaction between two hearts.
*Prof. of Zoology*
Kiss is the interchange of salivary bacteria.
*Prof. of Physiology*
Kiss is the just a position of two orbicularis oris muscles in the state of
*Prof. of Dentistry*
Kiss is infectious and antiseptic.
*Prof. of Accountancy*
Kiss is a credit because it is profitable when returned.
*Prof. of Economics*
Kiss is that thing for which the demand is always higher than the supply.
*Prof. of Philosophy*
Kiss is the persecution for the child,ecstasy for the youth and homage for
Humour Time
"Anywhere I go, she goes."
"I'm sorry, sir," said the manager, "but you can't take the donkey upstairs. Leave it down here with us and we'll take good care of her." So Bozo goes up to his room and opens the door. Everything is made of gold, there is a table full of food, and a huge television. He doesn't want to ruin anything so he takes his raggedy coat off and sleeps on the floor. The next morning the manager comes up to the room and asks how his night was.
''Great!'' replied Bozo. ''How much do I have to pay?'' he asks.
''One thousand dollars for the food.''
''But I haven't touched the food."
''It was right there, so you should have. Two thousand dollars for the TV."
''But I didn't even know how to turn the damn thing on!''
''It was there, so you should have. Five thousand for sleeping on the bed."
''But I slept on the floor!''
''It was there. Your total is eight thousand dollars."
''You owe me ten thousand dollars for screwing my donkey.''
''But sir, I didn't screw your donkey.''
''It was there. You should have!''
एश्वर्या रे

There is little one can do to with a beauty like Aishwarya. Even when she plays a de-glam role, she still manages to look stunning and even vulnerable.
But Aishwarya did manage to change her look slightly and come across as more realistic for her portrayal of Lalita in the movie 'Bride and Prejudice'.
Aishwarya put on some weight for this film as her director Gurinder Chaadha wanted her to look like a normal girl-next-door and not someone who is very particular about her looks. Ash was playing an intelligent and articulate woman who would rather give more attention to her mind than her beauty. She had to come across as someone the audience could identify with. But Ash being Ash, she still managed to look gorgeous. However, now it has been reported that Aishwarya has shed all that extra fat to fit into her ultra-glamorous role in 'Dhoom 2'. Now that must have been a lot of hard work!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Top 10 Strip Clubs In The World
The act of watching beautiful women dance seductively is as old as time
itself. The sight of sexy, (sometimes partially) undressed beauties
moving to an erotic sway nourishes an almost primordial need in men,
and simply makes the world a nicer place.
Some establishments have gained worldwide fame thanks to the quality of
their dancers. Whether simply topless or all-out nude, these clubs
boast exquisite, talented girls, comfortable seating, respectful
service, and a welcoming atmosphere. They are not sleazy strip joints,
but rather clubs for the discerning man. Allow me to present the best
gentlemen's clubs the world has to offer.
Brandi's, Vancouver, Canada
When Hollywood heads north to make movies, Brandi's is the de rigueur
joint for nighttime fun. It is, in fact, where Ben Affleck was spotted,
kicking off his relationship woes with J.Lo. The women of Brandi's love
their craft and really flaunt it. They do several songs per set before
walking around and offering private shows, and are even known to chat
you up without pressuring you to pay. The best part: neck and shoulder
massages offered by naked women.
The St. Pauli district of Hamburg can be described as the Las Vegas of
sex, with strip joints and peep shows as loud, bright and gaudy as
those in America's gambling capital. Colibri is a gentlemen's club, but
of the Hamburg variety, which means that offering naked women isn't
enough. But the live sex shows have as much finesse and good taste as
live sex shows can . One act features the Changing of the Guard at
Buckingham Palace, wherein a young maiden tempts a famously reticent
English guard into passionate lovemaking. And they do it to classical
Chez Pare, Montreal, Canada
Visitors to the great north know that Montreal is the single best North
American destination for adult entertainment. With an ethnically
diverse population and large university contingent, the women of
Montreal are stunningly beautiful, and liberal in attitude. Chez Paree
is dubbed "Montreal most elegant gentlemen's club," offering the
hottest women who will dance at your table or perform girl-on-girl
shows for reasonable prices. Even the VIP room is a bargain, at least
by strip club standards. However, this is not a Montreal "contact"
club, so keep your hands to yourself, Randy.
Dolls, Moscow, Russia
Russia's business elite (and even foreign business types and
celebrities) have come to depend on Dolls for high-class adult
entertainment. Dolls -- Moscow's first strip club -- breaks every mold
of the strip club genre with its elegance and excellence. You can dine
in style with the best view of Russian women, whose beauty is the stuff
of legends. The shows are carefully rehearsed and uniquely spectacular,
but there's a reason only the very rich come here. Be ready to see your
bank account thin out after a night here...
Goldfingers, Melbourne, Australia
Goldfingers is a complete bar that includes a restaurant, poolroom,
cigar lounge, and four separate areas where Australia's sexiest women
show what they're made of (depending on how up-close and personal you
want to get). Distinguished men doing business down under -- that is,
in Australia -- and distinguished locals alike hold group functions at
Goldfingers, as evidenced by the refined garb of the patrons.
From Scores to the Crazy Horse, these strip clubs have earned their reputations.
Scores, New York, New York
Manhattan's premier gentlemen's club is the place where George Clooney
throws his birthday bashes and Chuck Norris bid bachelorhood adieu.
Large, classy and featuring scores of girls (natch) to suit every
taste, you'll often find celebrities and high rollers at the club,
dining on a fine steak while receiving a lap dance. You can enjoy the
show from the buzzing Showroom, or chill in the Champagne Lounge for
the best view of center stage. Those with no spending limits on their
plastic can book the private President's Club, where dancers personally
serve clients.
Blue Rose, Ibiza, Spain
If Ibiza is the epicenter of hedonism,
then Blue Rose is its crowning jewel. Like much of the island itself,
the shows at the Rose take it up a notch, with lots of girl-on-girl
action and simulated sex acts -- it sometimes gets messy when whipped
cream and champagne get involved. Unique to the Rose is the level of
interaction between stage dancers and the audience, but it's always
respectful. Of course, lap dances are offered, and always by girls who
love what they do.
Crazy Horse, Paris, France
Forget the Moulin Rouge. The gentlemen's cabaret with a naughty French
twist is only found at the fabled Crazy Horse. All seats are facing the
main stage, where intricate nude shows stretch every definition of
entertainment. Gorgeous women bathe for the audience, frolic to songs,
and use their bodies as canvases for light and laser acts. Always
renewing itself, the Crazy Horse highlights the naked female not only
as something to be admired, but also as something artistic.
Seventh Heaven, Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo's most successful gentlemen's club features mostly European and
American dancers, who win over clients thanks to their friendliness;
they sit and chat with customers without pressuring them to buy drinks
or pay for private dances. If you do get a personal show, you'll surely
notice the club's rather lax no-touching rule (some girls will take
your hands and make you touch them). However, like most of Tokyo, a
full night out can get very expensive.
Crazy Horse Too, Las Vegas, Nevada
An offshoot of the Parisian original, Crazy Horse Too sets the standard for gentlemen's clubs in Sin City. In fact, it's where legendary porn star Jenna Jameson
learned the ropes (or, shall I say, poles?). Both natural and enhanced
women do their thing on two stages and there's a spillover area for
packed nights. A VIP room will ensure that you get more personal
attention -- three songs worth. If you go on a good night, tip well and
treat your dancer politely -- you might be rewarded with a more
"special" lap dance.
K5 Relax Club, Prague, Czech Republic
K5 is more than a gentlemen's club; it's a full-service station.
Starting from the restaurant and bar area, where smoking Eastern
European women dance, you are led to the sauna, bath and massage areas,
where you can unwind to the company of said ladies in the buff. They
treat you well with a smile, and are even available as company on an
hourly rate. You can take them to one of 15 different thematic rooms,
from a sultan's chamber and a British knight's bedroom to a space pod.
A little gentle persuasion and the girls will satisfy (almost) every